Thursday, May 28, 2009

Listen to you heart...

There are times when each one of us feel lost...disconnected...unfamiliar...with no-one but ourselves... It happens many times that we get so caught up in our routine life and doing things that the outside world expects from us that we start to forget or ignore our own interests and hobbies...we start to forget who we are and what we really like doing...

It's really easy to say "follow your heart" but it is extremely difficult to actually keep your mind aside and do what your heart says...not because we are not capable of doing so...but simply because there is no time and no space for those actions that originates from the heart...

Ask yourself...when was it the last time you really did something that your heart allowed you to but your mind said "no"?? I am sure most of us had taken a moments to recollect that this happened long time ago...probably in our childhood...

I wanted to be a dancer...dancing has always been a heart always said to follow this path and take it up as a career...but my mind had to do the practical thinking process of keeping upto the great expectations of my parents...I ended up listening to my mind and got into a college which eventually awarded me a professional degree on completion of my course...

In this phase...the idea of dancing got lost somewhere...and by the time I planned to re-kindle that was too late...I somehow lacked the ability to be as creative as I used to be a couple of years I was a totally changed person...more academic and less creative...

I still do a little dancing...but its not like how it used to be earlier...Its now become my favourite idea of passing my I child I always saw myself performing and dancing...but today I am not even close to that long lost dream...

Usually I don't regret anything that happened in my past...I always move on...but if I have to pick up the single regret that I have in my would be this...

I wish I could always listen to my heart...there are many more decisions that need to made in my life...I just wish that I could take those decisions with my heart...because its only the heart where there is absolutely nothing there to hide...